375', 1 ink color
Number of Ink Colors: 1 color
8 -15 $32.14 16 -23 $28.12 24 -31 $24.70 32 -39 $24.10 40 + $22.02
Price Includes: one color imprint, priced per roll, 8 rolls per case
375', 2 ink colors
Number of Ink Colors: 2 colors
8 -15 $35.74 16 -23 $30.42 24 -31 $26.48 32 -39 $25.66 40 + $23.34
Price Includes: two color imprint, priced per roll, 8 rolls per case
375', 3 ink colors
Number of Ink Colors: 3 colors
8 -15 $40.60 16 -23 $34.00 24 -31 $29.36 32 -39 $28.34 40 + $25.76
Price Includes: three color imprint, priced per roll, 8 rolls per case
450', 1 ink color
Number of Ink Colors: 1 color
10 -19 $40.28 20 -29 $35.26 30 -39 $30.96 40 -49 $30.18 50 + $27.60
Price Includes: one color imprint, priced per roll, 10 rolls per case
450', 2 ink colors
Number of Ink Colors: 2 colors
10 -19 $44.80 20 -29 $38.10 30 -39 $33.14 40 -49 $32.12 50 + $29.26
Price Includes: two color imprint, priced per roll, 10 rolls per case
450', 3 ink colors
Number of Ink Colors: 3 colors
10 -19 $50.92 20 -29 $42.62 30 -39 $36.80 40 -49 $35.52 50 + $32.28
Price Includes: three color imprint, priced per roll, 10 rolls per case